Are you interested in volunteering to help make vision care accessible to all Texans?

Houston Eye Associates Foundation relies on volunteers for:
For more information contact heaf@houstoneye.com or call 713-558-8780.
Vision-saving care should be accessible to all – regardless of income or coverage. Houston Eye Associates Foundation provides medical and surgical eye care services to low-income and underinsured adults and children.
Houston Eye Associates Foundation is committed to preserving and restoring sight and removing the economic and cultural barriers to quality, comprehensive, and compassionate vision care for Texans in need.
This work is made possible because physicians volunteer for patient care and medical partners donate or discount services and materials. Generous charitable donations help cover a portion of surgery center costs, medication, equipment, and ancillary services. This unique partnership assures there is never a cost to the patient or their family and vision care is available to all Texans.
Houston Eye Associates Foundation is a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization committed to preserving and restoring the sight of those in need. For more information, please contact heaf@houstoneye.com or (713) 558-8740.
7155 Old Katy Road, Suite S110, Houston, Texas 77024